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Mr. Will Reviews The Rhino Genesis Silicone Penis Extension

A few weeks ago, the lovely folks at Shevibe contacted me to see if I’d be willing to checkout a new product to see if it’s worth carrying, and I was honored to be considered for the job. The product is the Rhino cock extension by Traz (thanks for recommending it to SV, Kara!), and I agreed very quickly to give an unbiased review in exchange for the product. I’ve seen a lot of horrid cock extensions made from crap materials (jelly extensions… blegh.) and the Rhino seemed a bit different.

…As for using it as a masturbator, I just kept the end plug in and started stroking with a very tight grip on the Rhino. It didn’t move over my skin… It actually moved my skin (I could feel the grooves in the wall of the beast quite well though) over my shaft, and the suction as I neared the end of each stroke was pretty blissful. In no time at all I got off pretty hard and then the Rhino slipped off easily (the cum “breaks” the vacuum pretty well)…

…Finally, I had sex with the Rhino Genesis on. My play partner for this particular test (thank goodness I found one, this would be incomplete without an actual sex test!) was very ready to give it a shot, but it took some serious work… She hadn’t ever taken anything quite as thick as the Rhino, but with some lube and lots of patience we were going about our business in no time. The Rhino, for me, is an absolute awesome device for the simple fact that it gives me the extra length I need to pull a few positions off easier. Positions that before I couldn’t quite get the momentum to get really rocking and rolling were suddenly no problem at all, and best of all… The grooves inside the Rhino still transfer a LOT of sensation to the wearer. The subtle ridge of the head was a bit too much for my play partner and we ended up pulling it off to finish, but in general, the Rhino is a great little device for guys needing an extra bit to work with…

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