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Emmeline Peaches Reviews The Funkit Toys Swing V2 Dildo

Emmeline Peaches Reviews

Excuse me for a moment while I jump up and down in a giddy fashion.

Okay. Now the review.

Words cannot express how much I’ve been lusting after a Funkit Toys product. Funkit Toys is a small, artisan company that specialize in ‘body safe sexperiments’. Some of you may remember that I interviewed the owner of Funkit Toys a while back and its clear that the company are strongly driven by their love of sex toys and the adult community, which is exactly what you want from a sex toy company.

Sure, anyone can make a sex toy. With the ideal designs for many toys mostly figured out, you could (in theory) create an effective sex toy with minimal effort. But to create truly exceptional products I do believe that a passion needs to be present – a passion for the pleasure of others and how to best please a wide variety of individuals in a more nuanced and considered manner.

Funkit Toys create multiple experiments to this end, with the Funkit Toys Swing V2 Silicone G-Spot Dildo With Suction Cup Base being one such creation.

And now, thanks to SheVibe, I own one and can officially confirm that, yes: Funkit Toys are Funking fantastic.

Funkit Toys Swing V2 Silicone G-Spot Dildo

The Funkit Toys Swing V2 Silicone G-Spot Dildo With Suction Cup Base is a dildo designed for G/P/A-Spot use and this really does show in the design.

This toy is colorful and climax-inducing. The Swing V2 is characterized by having a noticeable curve (‘swinging’ one way, you might even say) and sporting a large, circular bulb at its tip, which facilitates very easy G/P/A-Spot use. I mainly use toys for the G-Spot, so this is what i’ll be referencing in my review, but I am more than certain that this toy has the design capabilities to hit the other two spots that it is aiming for. More to the point, I have heard testaments that have told me as such, so don’t feel like this toy is a one-trick pony just because I’m more of a G-Spotting gal than an anal lady.

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